[Interview] De Standaard Weekblad | Bram De Loozeby Bram GobbersFebruary 1, 2024February 1, 2024Link to article
[Single review] So What | Chantal Acda & The Atlantic Drifters – The Friends Paradeby Bram GobbersJanuary 31, 2024Link to article
[Review] WindOut | Bram De Looze Solo – Spotting Gatewaysby Bram GobbersJanuary 30, 2024Link to article
[Single review] Luminous Dash | Chantal Acda & The Atlantic Drifters – The Friends Paradeby Bram GobbersJanuary 26, 2024January 26, 2024Link to article
[Review] De Standaard | Bram De Looze Solo – Spotting Gatewaysby Bram GobbersJanuary 24, 2024Link to article
[Review] Le Soir | Bram De Looze Solo – Spotting Gatewaysby Bram GobbersJanuary 24, 2024January 24, 2024Link to article
[Review] Jazz’halo | Bram De Looze Solo – Spotting Gatewaysby Bram GobbersJanuary 24, 2024Link to article
[Review] Jazz’halo | Bram De Looze Solo – Spotting Gatewaysby Bram GobbersJanuary 22, 2024Link to article
[Live review] Jazz’halo | GingerBlackGinger @ Brussels Jazz Festivalby Bram GobbersJanuary 22, 2024January 22, 2024Link to article